Life Cover
Life Cover provides financial support, giving your loved ones financial security and freedom to make choices about their future.
Life Cover is also commonly known as ‘term life’ or ‘life insurance’. It provides a lump sum on your death or on the diagnosis of terminal illness.
The right amount of Life Cover differs from person to person. With the help of your adviser you can calculate an appropriate sum insured for your circumstances which will reflect your debts and the ongoing income requirements of your dependants.
Some life insurance companies offer added features and benefits, so be sure to ask us about extras such as a funeral advancement benefit and grief support services.
Your financial adviser can help…
assess your circumstances and calculate the appropriate level of cover to protect you and your family
calculate an appropriate sum insured for your circumstances which will reflect your debts and the ongoing income requirements of your dependants
At Halstead Financial Services,
Your Financial Advisers are qualified professionals, supported by Affinia’s in-house resources and ongoing technical, systems and product training. They are committed to understanding your needs and identifying strategies and products to help you achieve your goals.
You’re In good Hands
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